When anyone goes far enough in exposing crime and corruption, and even further in an attempt to do something about it, they are always attacked. Nazi Germany was no different. Given the open media of today, the crimes of Christianity can no longer be hidden from the world. These heinous sexual attacks on children have been going on for centuries. The Third Reich did not tolerate this and for cracking down on the Christian Churches and their plethora of child molesting scum, they were attacked by the world.
Truth be known, "homosexuals" who were incarcerated in the concentration camps were not arrested for just being homosexuals. The majority were political prisoners, priests, ministers and other members of the Christian clergy who molested and raped children, such as priests preying upon altar boys. The Vatican attacked Nazi Germany for this. Unlike the communist Soviet Union, the Third Reich, in truth didn't attempt to control the private sex lives of German citizens.

The following was taken from the book "Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich" by Robert Gerwarth ' 2011:
'Aside from the communists and Jews, Heydrich's particular hatred in the 1930's was devoted to the Catholic Church; and he pursued the persecution of Catholic clergymen with an enthusiasm that exceeded even that of Himmler. The Christian idea of marriage would ultimately have to be abandoned in favor of polygamy ' allowing for the fertilization of more Aryan women ' and a racially driven conception of human partnerships that would allow for divorce for the infertile and racially unfit.'
'Heydrich and other influential anti-Church hardliners such as Joseph Goebbels, Rudolf Hess, and Martin Bormann sought to undermine the Church's position by linking individual priests with communism and pedophilia. Shortly after the seizure of power in Bavaria, for example, Heydrich moved against three priests who had expressed concern over the treatment of inmates in Dachau concentration camp. In late November, following an investigation, they admitted spreading atrocity stories and were arrested. Searches of their quarters turned up the inevitable Marxist literature and other evidence associating them with communism, all of which was duly publicized. Heydrich used the case publicly to paint a picture of a communist infiltrated priesthood and to argue for a political police force capable of fighting such a menace.'
'In 1935 the Nazi state staged a series of trials against members of various Catholic orders, accusing them of international money laundering and immoral ' that is, homosexual and pedophile ' practices.'
'The investigations of foreign currency offenses were systematically expanded in March 1935; both the Gestapo and the SD were heavily involved in searches of monasteries and confiscated documents that would serve as evidence in the subsequent trials. By the end of 1935, some seventy clerics had been convicted in thirty trials on the basis of this material. The alleged sexual offenses committed by Catholic clerics and order members were of even greater propagandistic use for the Nazi regime. These trials sought to destroy the reputation of the Catholic Church and primarily targeted priests, monks, lay brothers and nuns working in primary and secondary schools. A simultaneous press campaign launched by Joseph Goebbels sought to persuade parents not to expose their children to the likely risk of sexual abuse at religious schools. One notorious and widely publicized trial in 1936 concerned the Franciscans of the Rhineland town of Waldbreitbach, who were accused of systematically abusing the children placed in their trust. Adults and schoolchildren alike were encouraged to read the lurid accounts of abuse and sexual mayhem that were allegedly at the heart of Franciscan activity. All in all, 250 trials were undertaken against allegedly homosexual clergymen and order members, during the course of which over 200 Catholic order members were convicted.'
'The papal encyclical Mit brennender Sorge ('with burning anxiety') of March 1937in which Pope Pius XI expressed his deep concern about violations of the 1933 Church agreement by the Nazi authorities."
"Hitler gradually withdrew from any direct involvement in Church politics and the fundamental reordering of relations between the Nazi state and the Church that Heydrich and other party radicals had hoped for was postponed until after the war. While Hitler abstained from making public anti-Church statements, and Himmler officially instructed the SS to remain neutral in regard to Church policy, Heydrich pushed on, presumably with Himmler's blessing. On 27 May, 1937, he wrote to Hitler directly, asking to be permitted to arrest dissident priests 'for the preservation of state authority' if they became politically active. One year later, in June 1938, Heydrich wrote to Hans Lammers, the head of the Reich Chancellery, stating that the Vatican was ultimately responsible for anti-German agitation from Czechoslovakia and France. But Hitler continued to insist that the solution of the 'Church problem' had to be postponed until the end of an increasingly likely international war."

The following was taken from the book: "The Third Reich in Power" by Richard J. Evans ' 2005
Reich Propaganda Minister Goebbels also played his part. After the Encyclical, he intensified the publicity campaign against alleged sex scandals involving Catholic priests that had already begin in the middle of 1935. Fifteen monks were brought before the courts in November 1935 for offenses against the law on homosexuality in a home for the mentally ill in western Germany. They received severe prison sentences and the attention of endless column inches in the press. Other priests were soon being tried for alleged sexual offenses against minors in Catholic children's homes and similar institutions. By May 1936 the press was reporting the trial in Koblenz of over 200 Franciscans for similar crimes.'
'Focusing on allegations of pederasty, the press claimed that the monasteries were 'breeding grounds of a repulsive epidemic' which had to be stamped out. By April 1937 over a thousand priests, monks and friars were said to be awaiting trial on such charges. '
''demanding of the Catholic Church 'off with the mask', more than hinting that homosexuality and pedophilia were epidemic in the Church as a whole, and not nearly in isolated instances.'
'Particularly offensive, declared the press, was the fact that the Church stood behind the accused and treated them as martyrs. As more trials followed, the Propaganda Ministry built up a steady campaign to portray the Church as sexually corrupt and unworthy of being entrusted with the education of the young.'
''such things only went on in the Church, where, it was suggested, they were an inevitable by-product of the celibacy that was required of the priesthood by the Church. 'The Catholic Church was a 'sore on the healthy racial body' that had to be removed, declared one article in the Nazi press. The campaign culminated in a furious speech by the Reich Propaganda Minister himself, delivered to an audience of 20,000 of the Party faithful, and broadcast on national radio, on 28 May 1937, denouncing Catholic 'corruptors and poisoners of the peoples' soul' and promising that 'this sexual plague must be exterminated root and branch'.
'It is not the law of the Vatican that rules here among us' he warned the Church, 'but the law of the German people.''
''the Nazis now launched a sustained campaign to close denominational schools and replace them with non-religious 'community schools', backed by votes from parents.'